Sport and Cultural exchange program on the occation of the 74 year anniversary of the Govenment Office’s foundation day (August 28, 1945 – August 28, 2019)
Celebration of the 74 year anniversary of the Independence Day (September 2) and the foundation day of Government Office, on August 17, 2018, Unification hall organized a Sport and Cultural exchange program with several competitions: Tennis, pulling a rope, acrossing the “Monkey bridge”, skipping-rope and cuisine.
The program attracted more than 250 members of the Management Administration department 2, Auditing & Computing Service Company Limited, Cu Chi tunnel historical relic, 30/4 Ngon Restaurant, Majestic hotel and improved their spiritual livies, strengthened their cooperative relationship as well.
Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, deputy secretary of Party committee, vice director, chairman of labor union speaks at the openning ceremony
Photos of the Culture – Sport exchange activities
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh, deputy secretary of Party committee, vice chairman of Government Office is present and speaking at the closing ceremony
Representatives of Unification hall directorate present commemorative flags to organizations, companies and award prizes to members for their excellent achievements